Thursday, October 11, 2012


Since Alex is active duty military and we have insurance provided I have never looked much into how much everything we have done costs. I know that I have gotten blood work and they billed $1100, etc. I have always been thankful for the healthcare that we have(more so now that we are seen off offense to anyone). 

Adalie and I are on Tricare prime so we don't pay anything out of pocket. The rules changed and Keaton is on standard so he can be seen by a civilian doctor. I just checked to see how much the bill from his recent cardiologist appointment was and they billed $3379.00! I know that the insurance company doesn't pay that much, but WOW! In the real world Alex and I would never be able to afford that! My Mom has told me how much she pays monthly, plus deductibles, and then 80/20 and we probably couldn't manage that either!

Finding out that Keaton has a heart condition has put things into perspective for us. Alex and I have talked about him getting out of the Marine Corps. We have great benefits like insurance and a house we would not be able to afford that is 5 minutes from the beach. But with the good comes the bad. It takes a toll on our family and it's a hard and stressful life to live. I am lonely most days and miss our families a lot! It's been hard to make real friends and we don't live by the classiest people. 

The reality now is that Keaton will need to be seen on a regular basis and it's not cheap! There is no guarantee of a job if Alex gets out and no promise of insurance. We have a couple of years to figure it out, but it's scary. I hope things will get easier as we go and maybe I can worry less about all of this! 

Crazy Town!

I am now considering myself a little bit kooky or what I usually call people crazy town. Since finding out about Keaton every little sound or cough I check on him. When he is sleeping for longer than 20 or 30 minutes I have the urge to just go peek, but I don't because I know it will wake him up. I joked with my friend and said that when someone comes to my door I will answer with hand sanitizer and check their nose for snot! I don't actually plan on it, but you never know!

My entire life I have been a worrier. I could never make myself stop and there was always something on my mind to worry about. As an adult I would like to think I worry about more important things than I did when I was a teenager, but it's still not a good thing. I was always told that worrying won't change the outcome and I know that, but it still hasn't changed it for me. I know it is a choice, but I don't know how to turn it off. Now that I  know Keaton has a heart problem it consumes my thoughts and worries. I hope at some point it will get easier!

On a better note Keaton had his first real food today...homemade organic squash! At first he liked it, but after a few bites he was shaking his head and making funny faces! Adalie wanted to be included in eating baby food so she had some too!
This was written in September, but I forgot to post it!