Thursday, February 14, 2013

It's been a while

So the kids and I were in Nebraska and Oklahoma for almost 3 months! It's was a crazy visit! The kids were sick off and on for about 2 months. Keaton had a cardio appointment in December at Children's in Omaha and things has stayed about the same since his appointment in November which was great news! Alex spent 2 weeks with us over Christmas and headed back to California for his crazy work schedule. The kids had a great Christmas and got more presents than they needed! It was great to visit with family and friends! 
Today we had an appointment with Keaton's cardiologist. I was under the impression that if Keaton's heart stayed about the same that no procedures would need to be done. I misunderstood the doctor and was just hoping that nothing was going to need to be done even though we were told 6-12 months for the balloon cath. Well today we were told that in June the procedure will need to be done.  He will have an appointment in early May and we will schedule the procedure from there. I had asked the doctor that if his heart stayed the same in May would he still need the procedure and he said yes. Dr.Berdjis said it was a 50/50 option to do it now or wait. He would like to wait so that Keaton can gain weight(he would like him to be about 20 pounds) and the longer we wait the less risky the procedure. I am pretty heart broken. I know it is a pretty minor procedure and the risks are low, but even knowing that doesn't make it any easier. So from now until June we'll be praying that everything goes smoothly!